The Journal of Culture publishes original and previously unpublished research articles, theoretical studies, translations and essays. It also publishes interviews, reviews of publications, news of conferences and significant scientific events. The journal focuses primarily on anthropology, ethnology and cultural history, but it also includes texts from related disciplines and interdisciplinary studies. The journal accepts texts in Czech, Slovak, English, German and French. Each study needs to be accompanied by an abstract and list of keywords in the language in which the article is written, as well as English.
Sections and the extent of texts
Studies: 8000−9000 words (English abstract up to 20 lines, author’s affiliation and contact information)
Translation: up to 30 standard pages (English abstract up to 20 lines, author’s affiliation and contact information)
Essays: up to 15 standard pages (English abstract up to 20 lines, author’s affiliation and contact information)
Interviews: up to 20 standard pages (author’s affiliation and contact information)
Reviews: up to 7 standard pages (author’s affiliation and contact information)
News: up to 7 standard pages (author’s affiliation and contact information)
Manual for authors
The journal accepts texts in Word files in the .doc format. The studies and articles submitted shall include a title in the language of the text and in English, the author(s)’s names, abstract and keywords in the language of the text and English, notes, literature, author’s affiliation and contacts. The author(s) shall use Times New Roman font, size 12. No styles are allowed. The only formatting allowed is bold, italics and underlining. Authors may divide the text into subchapters. Images, if any, are to be sent separately in resolution of at least 300 dpi. No images, figures or tables can be inserted in the main document. Authors shall mark the exact position for inserting images in the text with abbreviations, e.g. ((Fig. 1)). The list of the images shall be sent in a separate file with descriptions in the form and arrangement as shown below:
Fig. 1
Detail of a totem pole from 1909. © Barbora Půtová.
Fig. 2
A film poster inviting people living the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to cinemas to Absolon’s film Tajemství Macochy in 1942. © Museum of the Capital City of Prague.
Citation rules
The author shall cite in accordance with the APA standard, using in-text references. For instance, as noted by Petrusek (1999: 13), it is necessary to adhere to the citation manual. Also, Malinowski documented (1989, 1993) that texts by authors who did not adhere to the quotation manuals were always refused by the journal. The same was repeated by other authors (Boas, Hroch & Vrhel 2003; Kandert & Kostrhun 2004). As Wittlich stated in this context, “the editorial staff makes no exceptions” (Wittlich 2011: 14).
The list of literature used shall always be at the end of the text, in alphabetical order and it shall only contain literature referred to in the text. The APA citation guide shall be applied to bibliography, respecting specificities of the language of the author’s language. The APA citation guide shall apply to in-text citations and list of literature.